RecMic Series
Just LOOK at this Microphone....Click on it to enlarge it so you can REALLY see it!....THIS is ALL it takes to REPLACE that big old Cassette Machine on your desk! These Microphones simply plug directly into a USB port on your PC and, using the same familiar slide switch as today's "High End" cassette machines, you simply pick up and dictate exactly as you normally do, but WITHOUT having to handle cassettes! The Audio is recorded directly onto your PCs Hard Drive. See that Slide Switch in the upper center portion of the mic? Just slide it UP to Record and when you want to "rewind" to listen, you simply pull the switch all the way down and release it. It will automatically go into the Listen mode, just like your cassette microphone! After dictating, simply click one button and hang up your microphone; the job is immediately available on your transcriptionist's PC for her, or him, to transcribe! If you're used to using a microphone with "Push Buttons", the DR1200 is the one for you!
Whether you choose the barcode scanner-compatible RecMic DR-2300,
the endlessly customizable RecMic DR2200, or the intuitive, ergonomic
RecMic DR-1200 with PUSH BUTTON CONTROL, you can trust that your Olympus USB microphone
will fit seamlessly into your existing workflows and business practice.
The use of a superior USB cable and the ergonomically designed body will provide you with years of reliable service. RecMic USB microphones
let any healthcare facility, legal practice or business increase productivity,
create money-saving effiencies and improve information security.
PLUS...To make the whole process of "going digital" completely painless, we will remotely INSTALL and configure the necessary software on your computers for you! It just doesn't get any easier than that!!